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Café Racer bike sketches

A very important part during the first steps of our projects is the sketch work part. Those are meant to show the clients an accurate idea of how would it be the bike of their dreams. Tamarit Motorcycles always aims for the client's total satisfaction, and that's why before we draw these sketches we always previously arrange the demandings and wishes of the client regarding parts, colours, shape and design of the motorcycle.




How do we prepare the motorcycle sketches

Cafe Racer bike sketches are one of our most favourite tasks. A great portion of the Tamarit Motorcycles crew comes from areas like art and design, therefore it's a beautiful way of apply our passion on our daily work and being able to provide our clients a service as most natural and personal posible.


Some motorcycle sketches before we begin a project

As we mentioned, the cafe racer bike sketches are a way of anticipating what could be the final project that would delivered on client's hands. Many times the initial idea that the client comes with, has nothing to do with what the project finally becomes, it all depends on how sure is the client about the parts and the design on mind. On many other ocassions, the client comes with the mind widely open, ready to listen to different options regarding colours and designs. This is de option that the Tamarit Team likes the most, since we can unleash our imagination (always inside certain rules, of course) and show to the client different proposals with different colours and shapes.


Handmade motorcycle sketches

Lots of sketches are prepared obviously using the new technologies regarding drawing and design. Nevertheless, sometimes we like to come back to the roots and grab our thin paper and sharp the pencils in order to depict the ideas and sketches for our clients. During these handmade sketches the initial idea for the style is introduced. Not every project we make is always linked to the Caf Racer, these sketches can show as well other styles such as the Dirt Track, a Brat Style or a hybrid style completely new and fresh. Motorcycles that made a great impact such as Mr Kevin, Superstar or the double sided project Yunque began just by being drawed roughly at the Tamarit Motorcycle office.





Initial sketches delivery times

Once the deal is closed between both parts for the project ignition, the sketches are often sent through email just a few days after the idea about the motorcycle is clear. Before that, the Tamarit team calls several times to the client in order to discuss which parts are going to be installed, what's the purpose for the bike. style of riding, height, weight... etc All the necessary data in order to make a unique project right for the client's measures.





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